LITC is a research laboratory located at the Department of Electronics Engineering at Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The laboratory aims at fundamental research and applications in the broad area of Machine Learning, particularly in learning from data models, such as Artificial Neural Networks, Kernel Machines, and hybrid computational intelligence systems. Topics of current research include multi-objective learning, transductive learning, kernel learning, novelty detection, graph-based models and applications in many fields. LITC was created in 1996 and up to now has hosted dozens of students, posdocs and visiting professors.
MV de Freitas Diadelmo, MV de Paula, TM Rezende, A de Pádua Braga, ...
Anais da Sociedade Brasileira de Automática 2 (1)
CC Takahashi, AP Braga
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 15 (3), 16-27
PV de Campos Souza, LC Bambirra Torres, GR Lacerda Silva, AP Braga, ...
Electronics 9 (5), 811